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© 2018 - 2022 JCI_Japan Culinary Institute

Contact phone number : 03-5422-7884

 JCI Atami School :  2-21-21 Minaguchicho Atami-shi, Shizuoka JAPAN  -  Tel : 0557-52-3847 / 090-1535-1719   Fax : 0557-52-3848

JCI Office in Tokyo :  5-15-20-301 Minamiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo JAPAN  -  Tel : 03-5422-7884   Fax : 03-5449-1444

Email :  info★   (Replace the "★" with the "@" )

JCI_Japan Culinary Institute is operated by La Dovina Co., Ltd., a Japanese Company.

- Culinary classes for foreigners in Japan with lessons in English -           Privacy Policy

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